The Georgia Recyclers Association (GRA) is the leading organization for Georgia’s recycling industry with members statewide (including small, family-owned businesses and large corporations). GRA represents the interests of Georgia recyclers before the Georgia General Assembly, Governor’s office, state agencies and others. GRA helps its member companies address the issues most critical to their business operations while also providing them education and networking support. GRA Services
Dear fellow Georgia Recyclers,
I hope that you are doing well.
As you are aware, the Georgia General Assembly session will be here soon. You will begin receiving regular legislative reports from our GRA Lobbyist, Brian Hudson, with the Hudson Group.
We are expecting legislation this year on the subject of the purchase of regulated metal property and secondary metals recyclers, catalytic converters and perhaps others that directly affect the Georgia recycling industry. You will note that Brian also tracks and includes other general business issues that impact us.
It looks as if will be a busy session, and we may be reaching out to you for assistance in contacting certain legislators. We will also be in touch with general association matters as well as asking for your help us in recruitment of new members.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments. Thanks so much for your membership in the GRA and your continued support of the recycling industry in Georgia.
Sam Bacon, President
Georgia Recyclers Association
ADVOCACYThe Georgia Recyclers Association along with The Hudson Group, LLC works hard every day during the 40-day legislative session and throughout the year to protect the recycling industry. We work closely with Members of the General Assembly, Governor’s office, state agencies, law enforcement, key stakeholders such as the power and telecom companies, chambers of commerce and others to advocate for GRA’s issues and serve as the voice of the industry at the State Capitol. The Recycling Industry has a $2.46 Billion annual economic impact in Georgia. Protecting our industry from bad legislation and regulation is a continuous task. Your support is key to the continued success of the GRA. |
Members check out the Document Library to view past newsletter and GRA Corporate Documents |
Bringing the Recycling Industry Together in Georgia
Metal | Paper | Rubber | Electronics | Glass | Textiles